In this era of globalization, accounting software in UAE has become the norm for conducting e-commerce.
Fidobe has allowed businesses to choose to operate more efficiently in retail e-commerce operations rather than physical stores. Additionally , the companies e-commerce operations are developed in the pandemic situation. More and more companies are now turning their business functions into e-commerce platforms rather than retail store operations. The ease of operations, minimum investment aspect. The accessibility to the customer have rooted for the dispersed usage of these e-commerce websites.
- Introducing and deploying new strategies, ideas to attract customers is a crucial part of every business. Coupons, promotion programs, attractive offers and huge discounts can easily attract customers to a business up to a certain level.
- As customers are always interested to purchase products at reduced and discounted rates, they look for offers and promotion programs. Many of the business groups have sales promotion wings to manage the operations.
- An Accounting Software UAE – Odoo can efficiently manage the sales promotion activities taking place in a business line. VAT software Nigeria can synchronize the promotion programs and study the response of the general public. A retail business can introduce and coordinate different promotion programs like rebates, prizes, free products, discounts, etc. in a very efficient way.
Even though a retail business may have employed salespersons and executives to manage promotional activities, it becomes a tedious job to integrate promotion programs with accounts and other various activities. But Odoo can certainly help to track all these issues as the Accounting software in UAE Odoo Sales module supports promotion program management.
How a retail business will benefit from Odoo promotion programs which is part of the Sales Coupon module.
1. Create Promotions
It is quite easy to create promotions in Odoo. The whole interface is so user friendly that it can be done in a few clicks. The user will only have to provide a promotion name and set promotion conditions here. Once the user provides with all the required details, their job is done.
QuickBooks VAT Oman has various conditions based on customers, products, quantity, minimum purchase, promo code, etc., which categorize the type of promotion and make the whole process quite efficient.
2. Promotion Condition Management
With Odoo, a user can set different conditions for availing of promotion benefits. As discussed earlier in brief, they are as follows:
- Conditions based on customers: In this type of promotion only selected customer segments will be able to make use of the benefit. It helps to differentiate a particular segment of customers who deserver better benefits than others which helps in rapport building and strengthening relations.
- Condition-based on products: If a business wants to set discounts or prizes for selected products only, then it can choose conditions based on products. Sometimes, discounts on every type of product are not feasible for the business. Using Odoo, one can prioritize and offer discounts on selected products, which is beneficial for business and sets the right customer expectations.
- Quantity: A user can make use of this condition to set a minimum quantity to be purchased by a buyer for availing the reward. Sometimes, to attract the customer business are ready to give discounts on some products only if they purchase it in bulk or above some threshold level. This is an awesome technique for generating revenues and clearing the stocks without giving out high discounts.
In order to avail discounts, the customer tends to fall for this and order products in bulk, which is suitable for them, which in turn helps the firm in two ways: first, it helps to sell out more and second, the revenue generation.
A consumer required to spend a minimum amount to qualify for a reward. Accounting Software UAE – Odoo is similar to the earlier condition but is a bit more complex yet profit-generating. For example, a business can decide that only individuals spending above Rs 5000 will get a discount of Rs 1000. This condition lures the customer to shop more to avail of the discount, which in turn will help your retailing business for sure.
3. Promo Code: Code will be given to some selected customers. They can make use of the code for a particular period of time. It is a very common technique of promotion and offering discounts used by most of the businesses. Odoo also provides you this option while setting up your promotion.
4. Manage Rewards
The Odoo platform supports a business in managing rewards mainly through two different methods. The first one is to make use of the reward on the current order itself. That means a person will get a direct discount of Rs 1000 on a purchase of products worth Rs 5000. Here, the buyer will have to pay only Rs 4000 for the product. This type of offer is not that beneficial for the business but is great for strengthening relationships with the customers. New businesses can certainly deploy this method of promotion to build an initial rapport and then generate revenue.
5. Manage the Validity of the Offer
A business can fix the validity of a promotion program. The customer can make the coupon mandatory for themselves, requiring the completion of the purchase within a month to receive the benefit. Likewise, a business can offer a Thermo flask as a free gift on a purchase worth Rs 2000. Another mode of setting validity is by restricting the number of customers who can avail of the offer. The first five or ten customers will get a discount, which can be a promotion program.
Other than this, Odoo platform provides the cross-selling and upselling capabilities in the normalized company operations. It also provides the user with them in the e-commerce operations. This will provide the user to do cross-selling functionality as well as the up-selling the subscription as well as normal product and services to the customers directly for the e-commerce website.
The user can configure the live chat communication tool on the Odoo platform for use in e-commerce operations to engage with customers. This will act as an efficient communication tool likewise talking to staff in the retail store.
So, Accounting Software UAE Odoo provides all these benefits for a retailing or e-commerce business to be more efficient and satisfy their customers. It certainly helps you upscale your sales and in turn your profit. If you are not using any ERP tool like Odoo we would absolutely recommend this to you.